NEVER PLAY IT SAFE: 7 Practical Tools To Build The Life You Want | Chase Jarvis X Rich Roll Podcast

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Summary Notes


Chase Jarvis, a multifaceted creative expert, discusses the importance of embracing risk and stepping beyond comfort zones to lead a fulfilling life. He emphasizes that true safety is an illusion and encourages a mindset shift towards viewing life as a series of small, manageable experiments. Jarvis shares insights from his journey, including the creation and eventual sale of CreativeLive, and highlights the necessity of returning to one's core self with kindness. He also explores the power of intuition, the malleability of time, and the role of constraints in fostering creativity, advocating for a playful approach to life's challenges.

Summary Notes

The Illusion of Safety and Risk

  • The podcast discusses the notion that safety is an illusion, and that true growth and fulfillment lie beyond our comfort zones.
  • It emphasizes the importance of embracing risk as a means to experience the best aspects of life.
  • The idea is that societal norms often push individuals towards a false sense of security, which can lead to self-betrayal and a lack of fulfillment.

"Safety is an illusion. It does not exist in nature. Why then do we seek it?"

  • This quote challenges the common belief that safety is attainable, suggesting that the pursuit of safety is misguided and limits personal growth.

"All of the best stuff in life is on the other side of our comfort zone."

  • Emphasizes that meaningful experiences and achievements require stepping outside of one's comfort zone and taking calculated risks.

Creativity and Personal Growth

  • The podcast highlights creativity as a fundamental aspect of living a meaningful life.
  • Creativity is not limited to artistic endeavors but is a broader concept applicable to all areas of life.
  • The discussion includes the importance of listening to one's intuition and inner voice to guide personal and professional decisions.

"If you want to live fully, never play it safe."

  • Encourages individuals to embrace creativity and risk-taking as essential components of a fulfilling life.

"The answers were always there. We will all betray ourselves over and over again, and the goal is to just return to ourselves with a little more kindness and get 1% better every day."

  • Suggests that self-betrayal is a natural part of life, and the key is to continuously strive for self-improvement and authenticity.

The Role of Intuition and Inner Voice

  • The podcast discusses the importance of tuning into one's intuition and inner voice as a guide for making decisions.
  • It argues that societal pressures often drown out this inner guidance, leading to choices that may not align with one's true desires.

"You've been taught to ignore your intuition."

  • Highlights the societal tendency to undervalue intuition, which can lead individuals away from their authentic paths.

"If you're willing to do the work, all of the tools are there for you."

  • Reinforces the idea that individuals have the innate ability to find their path and that self-discovery requires effort and introspection.

The Trap of Conventional Success

  • There is a critique of societal definitions of success, which often prioritize material wealth and status over personal fulfillment.
  • The podcast encourages redefining success on one's own terms, aligning with personal values and passions.

"Playing it safe is not showing up as who you really are."

  • Suggests that conforming to societal expectations can lead to a loss of self-identity and fulfillment.

"The goal is to become aware of these things... and to get 1% better at listening to who you truly are."

  • Encourages continuous self-awareness and growth to align one's life with their true self and desires.

The Importance of Personal Reflection

  • The podcast emphasizes the need for personal reflection and questioning to uncover one's true desires and path.
  • Journaling and meditation are suggested as tools for gaining clarity and insight into one's life direction.

"What do I really want?"

  • A question posed for daily reflection to help individuals align their actions with their true desires and values.

"It's a journey. We don't have to move to France and get a new set of friends. This is an inside job."

  • Emphasizes that personal growth and fulfillment are internal processes that do not require drastic external changes.

Overcoming Fear and Taking Action

  • The discussion includes strategies for overcoming fear and taking actionable steps towards one's goals.
  • It highlights the importance of small, incremental changes and experiments as a way to navigate fear and uncertainty.

"What if it was a bunch of lightweight tiny experiments?"

  • Suggests breaking down goals into smaller, manageable steps to reduce fear and increase the likelihood of success.

"You might be a thousand miles from home, but you're one decision away from taking a step in the direction of your dreams."

  • Encourages individuals to take decisive action, no matter how far they feel from their goals, as each step brings them closer.

The Power of Self-Compassion

  • The podcast underscores the importance of self-compassion in the journey of personal growth and creativity.
  • It suggests that individuals should approach themselves with kindness and understanding as they navigate challenges and setbacks.

"Return to ourselves with a little more kindness."

  • Advocates for a compassionate approach to self-improvement, acknowledging that mistakes and setbacks are part of the process.

"Get 1% better every day."

  • Encourages a gradual approach to self-improvement, focusing on small, consistent progress rather than perfection.

Key Themes

Self-Reflection and Personal Responsibility

  • Individuals often avoid introspection, which is crucial for making better life choices.
  • The tools needed for self-improvement are readily available, but people often hesitate to use them due to perceived difficulties.
  • Personal situations may vary, but the fundamental tools for change are universally applicable.

"All of the tools to get me out are right there, but this one looks too heavy, this one looks too sharp... I'm unwilling to go into these tools."

  • The tools for personal change are available, but people often find excuses not to use them.

"Agree that I'm here by choice and decide to love it or decide to change it."

  • Individuals have the power to choose their circumstances or change them.

Attention and Its Impact

  • Attention is a critical resource that is often misdirected or given away without awareness.
  • The experience of life is shaped by where one places their attention, emphasizing the importance of conscious direction.

"Your experience of your life is entirely contingent on where you place your attention."

  • The quality of life is directly related to what one focuses on.

"The choice of where to place your attention is yours."

  • Individuals have control over their attention and should consciously decide where to direct it.

Internal Narratives and Self-Perception

  • Internal dialogues and stories shape self-perception and decision-making.
  • Becoming aware of and challenging these narratives can lead to personal growth and change.

"The most important words in the world are the ones that we say to ourselves."

  • Self-talk significantly impacts one's self-image and actions.

"In becoming the Observer you realize like it's a story."

  • Recognizing internal narratives as stories allows for the possibility of rewriting them.

Time and Its Perception

  • Effective attention management changes one's perception of time, making it more malleable.
  • Time should be viewed as a resource for creativity and meaningful experiences rather than a constraint.

"People who can direct their attention effectively experience the world in a much different way."

  • Mastering attention can transform one's experience of time and life.

"Time becomes instead of this hamster wheel running in the background... it becomes very, very malleable."

  • Time perception changes when one is aligned with their true interests and passions.

Creativity and Societal Expectations

  • Societal pressures often lead people to pursue paths that do not align with their true desires.
  • Creativity requires time and focus, often hindered by the constant demands of modern life.

"Great works of creativity take time."

  • Creative achievements require patience and dedication, not instant results.

"It's important to understand and remember that great works of creativity take time."

  • The societal expectation of constant productivity can stifle creative processes.

Life's True Priorities

  • Life's most meaningful moments are often simple and personal, not aligned with societal success metrics.
  • Reflection on life's priorities often occurs during significant personal events.

"There is this internal realization agreement that what I'm doing is playing a game."

  • Significant life events often clarify what truly matters, beyond societal games and measures of success.

"Moments of clarity... give us a compass of what we need to do with this one precious life."

  • Clarity about life's priorities can guide meaningful decisions and actions.

Practical Application and Personal Growth

  • Personal growth is a continuous practice, not a quest for perfection.
  • Small, consistent changes can lead to significant personal transformation.

"This is a practice; it's not about doing any of this perfectly."

  • Growth is an ongoing process that involves practice and persistence.

"You might be a thousand miles from home, but you're one decision away from a version of you that you might enjoy."

  • Change is always possible with the right mindset and decisions.

The Role of Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Meditation and mindfulness are tools for gaining clarity and understanding oneself.
  • These practices help in reducing distractions and focusing on what truly matters.

"The purpose isn't to become a good meditator; the purpose is to start to reconnect you."

  • Meditation is a means to an end, helping individuals reconnect with their true selves.

"Meditation is actually about bringing your attention or your awareness back."

  • The essence of meditation is in returning focus, not maintaining a perfect state.

Embracing Change and Taking Action

  • Embracing change involves taking risks and stepping out of comfort zones.
  • The journey of personal growth is about taking action, not just planning.

"All of the best stuff is over here on the other side of Taking Chances."

  • The most rewarding experiences come from taking risks and embracing change.

"What do you want to change right now?"

  • Immediate action can lead to significant personal transformation.

Brandon Stanton and Humans of New York

  • Brandon Stanton is the creator of Humans of New York, a highly successful photography project that tells stories of everyday people globally.
  • Stanton transitioned from a bond trader to a photographer, living a modest lifestyle to pursue his passion.
  • He became a breakout star on Instagram, known for his heartfelt and earnest storytelling.

"Brandon is the genius behind Humans of New York, which is arguably one of the most successful photography projects of all time."

  • Brandon Stanton's project is recognized for its global impact and storytelling success.

Paul's Journey and Transformation

  • Paul, a young man from Ghana, faced cultural ostracism for having a child out of wedlock, leading to immense pressure to provide for his family.
  • He sold all his possessions to buy a camera, which led to his acceptance at the International Center of Photography in New York.
  • With the help of Brandon Stanton and others, Paul overcame significant challenges, including financial and geographical constraints, to pursue his passion for photography.

"He sells everything he owns, including his phone... and buys a camera."

  • Paul made significant sacrifices to pursue his passion for photography, highlighting his dedication and determination.

Establishment of the Deacon Center

  • Paul founded the Deacon Center, a large photography and creativity center in Africa, with the help of a $2.5 million fundraiser organized by Brandon Stanton.
  • The center aims to empower African photographers to tell their stories and has become a major educational destination.

"Paul takes this money, goes back, is reunited with his daughter, and builds the Deacon Center, which is the largest Center for creativity and photography in Africa."

  • The Deacon Center represents a significant achievement in providing resources and education for African photographers.

Principles of Focus and Intuition

  • Paul's success was driven by his ability to focus on his goals and trust his intuition, despite numerous constraints.
  • The importance of having a clear vision and singular focus is emphasized as a key factor in overcoming challenges.

"His ability to focus on the most important thing, which is creating a resource for African photographers in Africa to transform photography and to provide for his daughter."

  • Focus and intuition were critical in guiding Paul through his journey and achieving his goals.

Role of Faith and Trust

  • The discussion highlights the importance of faith and trust in one's journey, allowing for flexibility and openness to opportunities.
  • Trusting the process and being open to unexpected paths can lead to success.

"You have to develop a capacity to not just have self-belief but to have trust that if you walk this path, you will be led."

  • Faith and trust are essential components in navigating life's uncertainties and achieving personal goals.

Constraints as Catalysts for Creativity

  • Constraints, whether external or internal, can guide creativity and innovation.
  • Embracing constraints can lead to more focused and effective creative processes.

"Constraints are there to guide you... if you lean into constraints, they become a powerful director of where you should go next."

  • Viewing constraints as opportunities rather than obstacles can unlock creative potential.

Reframing Failure

  • Failure should be seen as a series of tiny experiments that provide valuable learning experiences.
  • The relationship with failure needs to be reframed to encourage resilience and growth.

"What if we framed it as tiny experiments... it should sting if those experiments don't go well because otherwise, we're not going to put that much effort into getting them right."

  • Reframing failure as a learning tool can foster resilience and encourage taking risks.

Overcoming External Opinions

  • The influence of external opinions can be a significant barrier to pursuing one's goals.
  • Developing resilience involves liberating oneself from the fear of judgment from others.

"A tip that I got from Bernay Brown... if you're out there giving it your best and you're bleeding and dirty and sweaty, don't really think about the people who are not in the arena."

  • Focusing on personal goals and ignoring external judgments can empower individuals to pursue their passions confidently.

Key Themes

The Importance of Selective Attention to Opinions

  • The concept of writing down the names of people whose opinions truly matter on a small piece of paper to limit external influence.
  • Emphasizes the need to focus on personal goals and not be swayed by widespread misunderstanding or criticism.

"I write it on a 1 in by 1 in piece of paper that's the number of people that I'm allowed however many I can get on that one inch by one inch piece of paper of people whose opinions of me actually matter everything else got to find a way to turn it off."

  • This quote highlights the strategy of limiting the influence of others' opinions to a select few, maintaining focus on personal aspirations.
  • Discusses the challenges faced when making significant life changes, such as getting sober or changing careers, and the impact on personal relationships.
  • The idea that pursuing new paths can cause discomfort in others, leading to potential criticism or judgment.

"The harder piece was when later in life when I started to kind of Blaze this different track outside of the law and uh and that was you know in and of itself like incredibly trying and difficult."

  • This illustrates the difficulties encountered when diverging from established paths, highlighting the emotional and social challenges.

Resilience in the Face of Criticism and Failure

  • The importance of resilience and self-awareness in overcoming criticism and perceived failure.
  • The concept of failure as a learning experience and a necessary part of achieving success.

"It should hurt to fail and yet it is your willingness to put it out there to again go back to the title the book to be you know to to to isue safety because safety would have you not doing anything new or different."

  • The quote emphasizes the necessity of embracing failure as a step towards innovation and personal growth.

Defining Personal Success

  • The discrepancy between personal and external definitions of success, and the importance of aligning success with personal values.
  • The role of internal metrics in determining personal satisfaction and achievement.

"Do you have your own clear definition of what success means and looks like for you or are you only successful if some third party you know decides that you are who has a very different definition of success."

  • This underlines the need for a personal definition of success, independent of external validation or societal expectations.

The Role of Play and Joy in Life

  • The struggle to maintain a sense of play and joy in daily life and work.
  • The idea that play is a natural state and should be integrated into everyday activities to enhance well-being and creativity.

"I believe that play is our natural state right just in the same way that our natural state is to be wildly creative."

  • This quote suggests that play is an inherent aspect of human nature and should be embraced to foster creativity and enjoyment.

Overcoming Intellectual and Emotional Challenges

  • The ongoing struggle to apply intellectual understanding to practical life challenges, particularly in managing attention and focus.
  • The importance of self-awareness and continual personal growth in overcoming life's hurdles.

"I've put the most time and energy into training my attention and it still eludes me it's still being I'm allowing it to be hijacked."

  • This reflects the difficulty of maintaining focus and attention despite understanding its importance, highlighting the need for persistent effort.

Embracing Change and Future Opportunities

  • The excitement and uncertainty of transitioning to new life phases and the potential for exploration and growth.
  • The value of reflecting on past experiences to guide future decisions and actions.

"I'm just looking backwards because success does does leave Clues what in my past lit me up the most gave me you know Direction and soul and feeling connection to my people and to my community."

  • This quote emphasizes the importance of using past experiences as a compass for future endeavors, ensuring alignment with personal passions and values.

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