In this insightful conversation, the speakers delve into the nuances of business growth, personal development, and the inherent value of giving. They emphasize the importance of over-delivering and creating exceptional products that compel customers to return and advocate for your brand, highlighting that the true measure of a product's worth is the market's response, not just the creator's effort. The speakers, including Alex Hormozi, share personal anecdotes to underscore that success is not about doing your best, but about doing what's required, and how this philosophy has led to their own business triumphs. They discuss the power of word-of-mouth marketing and the compounding effect of building a strong brand through consistent, value-driven content. The conversation also touches on the pitfalls of transactional business approaches and the significance of building enduring customer relationships.
"The guys who are players at their age and they're in their maybe thirty s, whatever, like right at that stage, like they're hungry, they're savages and they're in the grind and they're doing the work of giving first to as many people as they can, over delivering, knowing that that goodwill will compound."
The quote highlights the importance of building goodwill through generosity and hard work, particularly among ambitious individuals in their thirties who are striving for success.
"But in my case, in my life, in my experience, is that even when. Because, dude, usually what's weird in my experience is that it's been the people that I've done the most for or the extra things for that have come back to fuck me."
This quote reveals Andy's observation that those he has helped significantly have sometimes been the ones to betray him, causing him emotional pain and complicating his willingness to assist others.
"But I do believe that when you treat people right and you do the right things, that eventually, not eventually, I believe you consistently continue to win."
Andy expresses his belief that treating people well and doing the right thing leads to consistent success, despite the setbacks and betrayals that may occur.
"How do you create someone who's patient? How do you create someone who's tough? How do you create someone who. Right. So all of a sudden, if we had to then engineer the game in order to boost those points, we'd have to get them beat up a lot so that they could get tough. We'd have to make them wait a long time so they could become patient."
Alex uses the metaphor of a video game to explain how enduring hardships and challenges can develop important character traits that contribute to an individual's overall success.
"And the perfect amount of give to take is an eight out of ten giving to take ratio. So if ten out of ten giving is like you're a social worker, you get walked all over, you never draw the line."
The quote summarizes research on social exchange dynamics, suggesting that an optimal balance of giving and taking (8:10 ratio) leads to the most successful outcomes without being taken advantage of or exploited.
"I'm not interested anymore in going through that process of developing more of a circle."
Andy conveys his decision to avoid expanding his social network further due to past experiences of betrayal and the emotional toll it has taken on him.
"I think if people do good shit for you and you see people fucking dragging that person's name, you should fucking tell people what the fuck they did and be like, you think whatever the fuck you want, but this is what actually happened."
Andy emphasizes the moral obligation to speak up for those who have done good deeds when their character is being unfairly maligned, reflecting his frustration with those who fail to do so.
"We had this poor guy, dude. Dude, it made me feel terrible. He shows up here one day, dude. And he's like, yeah, man. He knew that at this point, somebody scammed him. And he's like, somebody pretended to be you and took 80 grand from me, bro. It's all I fucking had."
Andy recounts a distressing encounter with a victim of an impersonation scam, illustrating the emotional and financial damage caused by such deceptive practices.
"Jim? Launch started scaling up. Then we started a supplement company, Prestige Labs."
Alex outlines the progression of his business ventures, demonstrating the diversification and growth of his entrepreneurial activities.
"And so they're fixing to sell it in like three or four, five years."
"First one, because they're putting a big tech play, they're building a CRM out, and then they're going to own the payment processing for all the gyms, and that's going to murder it."
The quotes reflect the strategic business decisions being made with an eye on future profitability and expansion. The CRM and payment processing are seen as key moves to increase value before a sale.
"And so anyways, turns out he has this photography studio. It's enchanted fairies. And I'll tell you the story, because I think it's really."
"And so we invest in the company, and now we have 38 locations. That's fucking 30 months later."
These quotes highlight the success of the investment and the rapid growth of the business. The personal story adds emotional depth to the business model.
"And so what they did was they set up these sets because they're photographers, right, of how. Of a storyline where she is the hero of her own story, and she finds her voice that's, like, kind of like."
The quote illustrates the creative solution that the photography studio used to help the owner's daughter, which became a business model that resonates with customers and investors alike.
"But I do also thoroughly enjoy the small business phase of growth, like, going from one to many. I fucking love that."
Andy's quote emphasizes the satisfaction derived from the growth phase of a business and the impact it has on individuals' lives.
"Watching someone's perspective shift around the world, I think whether it's, like you said, weight loss, even. Some people were, like, religious, and they get people into that, or economically."
This quote reflects the importance of perspective shifts in various aspects of life, and how they can be a catalyst for personal and professional growth.
"And so it makes sense that you would be the OD man out, because most people live that life."
The quote suggests that being the odd one out is to be expected when striving for success, as it often means rejecting the mediocrity of normalcy.
"And so if Andy's sharing stuff on here that are different beliefs about the world, then it would make sense, because if he's in the 1% of earning potential, then it means that he sees reality differently than you."
This quote underscores the idea that successful entrepreneurs often have a different perspective on the world, which contributes to their success.
"And so what happens is you basically plug into everyone else's network and skills by giving first."
The quote encapsulates the strategy of giving first in networking to eventually benefit from the collective skills and resources of the network.
"So number one is you don't ask them, what value can I provide you? Because now you're asking me to do homework to figure out what you can do for me. That's me doing work, which I can just keep living my life."
This quote emphasizes the importance of not burdening potential connections with the task of figuring out how you can be useful to them. It suggests that one should proactively identify and deliver value on their own.
"If you have somebody who's ahead of you, do whatever your niche skill, if you're a fucking carpenter, then build the most amazing table of all time and send it to somebody."
This illustrates the concept of using your unique skills to create something valuable and offering it to those you wish to connect with, thereby demonstrating your value through actions.
"But those people only impress people who don't know what players look like."
This quote suggests that superficial displays of success do not fool those who have genuine experience and success in their field.
"The only thing that is still viral is word of mouth."
This quote highlights the unique and unmatched power of word of mouth in spreading information and influencing others, especially compared to other forms of marketing which have a more linear impact.
"It's just brand over everything. Because if the brand's right, everything else follows."
This quote encapsulates the idea that a strong brand is the foundation for all other business successes, including customer acquisition and partnerships.
"If you think about getting customers right, there's like eight ways you can do it."
This quote outlines the various strategies available for customer acquisition, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right methods for sustainable growth.
"Give, give, give until they ask, which means that you just keep giving. And if no one's asking, you just keep fucking giving."
This quote advocates for a relentless approach to providing value, suggesting that one should continue to offer their best without waiting for a prompt or request from others.
"I say this stuff because, like you, I felt so much pain for such a long time because I just didn't understand the way the world worked, especially as it related to business."
This quote reflects on the personal journey and learning experiences that have led to the current understanding of business and branding strategies.
"But what I realized was that the media is not the compounding asset. The audience is the compounding asset."
This quote highlights the epiphany that the true value lies in cultivating an audience that grows over time, as opposed to focusing on the ephemeral nature of content.
"If you can grasp that concept and you can translate it to this, dude, you're fucking on it."
Andy explains that understanding the power of nurturing individual customer relationships in the digital age can lead to significant business success.
"Once you have enough money, there's diminishing returns to have more."
Andy expresses that beyond a certain point, additional wealth does not significantly increase happiness or quality of life.
"If it's shit, it doesn't matter how nice you are."
This quote underscores the idea that no amount of good customer service can compensate for a subpar product.
"The market fucking tells you, dude."
Andy points out that the market's response to a product is the ultimate indicator of its quality and value.
"It's not about doing your best. It's about doing what's required."
Alex conveys that success often demands more than just personal effort; it requires meeting the specific needs and standards of the market.