Newly Discovered Cause of Insulin Resistance is Not Sugar or Saturated Fat - Dr. Venn Watson

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Dr. Stephanie Vin Watson and Thomas discuss the groundbreaking discovery of Cellular Fragility Syndrome, a nutritional deficiency caused by low levels of C15. This syndrome accelerates aging and contributes to diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and fatty liver disease by weakening cell membranes. The conversation highlights how C15, found in dairy fat, stabilizes cells and prevents lipid peroxidation and iron deposition, which lead to metabolic dysfunction. They explore the potential of supplementing C15 to combat these health issues, drawing insights from the long-lived population of Sardinia, where high C15 intake is linked to longevity.

Summary Notes

Cellular Fragility Syndrome

  • Discovery of a new nutritional deficiency syndrome called Cellular Fragility Syndrome, linked to C15 deficiencies.
  • Impact of weak cell membranes on aging and onset of diseases like type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and heart disease.
  • Importance of C15 in maintaining cell membrane strength and preventing accelerated aging.

"We discovered the first nutritional deficiency syndrome in over 75 years... it's called cellular fragility syndrome."

  • Discovery of a new syndrome after a long period without new nutritional deficiency syndromes.

"When our cells become weak, they undergo faster aging... that translates to us aging faster."

  • Weak cell membranes lead to faster aging of cells, which in turn accelerates the aging process of the body.

"If we don't have a certain level of C15 in our cell membrane... our cell membranes become weak."

  • C15 is crucial for maintaining the strength of cell membranes.

Ferroptosis and Cell Death

  • Introduction of a new cell death mechanism called ferroptosis discovered in 2012.
  • Ferroptosis involves fragile fatty acids, lipid peroxidation, and iron deposition leading to reactive oxygen species (ROS) production.
  • Impact of ROS on mitochondria, leading to cell death.

"There was a group of scientists at Columbia University... they discovered an entirely new way our cells were dying called ferroptosis."

  • Discovery of ferroptosis as a new cell death mechanism.

"Lipid peroxidation is when you have fragile fats... they get exposed to oxygen and attacked by oxygen."

  • Explanation of lipid peroxidation and its role in cell fragility.

"When you combine lipid peroxidation with iron... that results in massive production of these things called reactive oxygen species or ROS."

  • Combination of lipid peroxidation and iron leads to high levels of ROS, which damage mitochondria.

Role of C15 in Preventing Ferroptosis

  • Research showing that C15 can stabilize cell membranes, reduce lipid peroxidation, and prevent iron deposition.
  • C15's ability to decrease ROS and repair mitochondria, thus preventing ferroptosis.
  • Implications of C15 deficiency in both humans and dolphins, leading to similar health issues.

"We were then able to show in the lab that C15 helps to fix all components of ferroptosis."

  • C15's role in addressing various aspects of ferroptosis.

"C15 stabilizes cell membranes by greater than 80%... decreases lipid peroxidation... stops iron deposition."

  • Specific actions of C15 in preventing cell damage and death.

"It's a decrease in C15 globally that's happening in the dolphins... and humans."

  • Parallel decrease in C15 in both dolphins and humans, leading to similar health problems.

Impact of Iron Deposition and Reactive Oxygen Species

  • Iron deposition in the liver leading to increased ROS and lipid peroxidation.
  • Spillover effect of iron and ROS from the liver to other organs, causing widespread damage.
  • Connection between iron deposition and diseases like Alzheimer's, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

"When we have low C15 in our cells... the macras just eat them and the corpses of the red blood cells that are left behind are iron."

  • Explanation of how iron deposition starts in the liver due to weak red blood cells.

"You now have iron deposition in the liver... you now have an angry liver."

  • Iron deposition leads to liver damage and increased liver enzymes.

"Iron, lipid peroxidation, and reactive oxygen species spill over into the blood and start seeding our whole bodies."

  • Widespread impact of iron and ROS beyond the liver.

Pathophysiology of C15 Deficiency

  • Detailed explanation of how C15 deficiency leads to cellular fragility and disease progression.
  • Role of red blood cells and liver macrophages in iron deposition.
  • Stages of disease progression from liver damage to systemic effects.

"Red blood cells become weak... the liver engulfs them... you now have iron deposition in the liver."

  • Initial stages of disease progression starting with weak red blood cells.

"Elevated liver enzymes... the liver is now saying 'hey, I'm getting a little bit angry here.'"

  • Liver damage indicated by increased liver enzymes.

"Iron, lipid peroxidation, and reactive oxygen species spill over into the blood... seeding our whole bodies."

  • Systemic effects of iron and ROS spreading from the liver to other organs.

Conclusion and Implications

  • Emphasis on the importance of maintaining adequate levels of C15 to prevent cellular fragility and associated diseases.
  • Potential for dietary adjustments to address C15 deficiency and improve health outcomes.
  • Ongoing research to further understand and address the impacts of C15 deficiency.

"We just need to have stronger cells... that stops this whole process from kicking off."

  • Importance of strong cell membranes in preventing disease progression.

"C15 reverses this entire process... it starts at the very beginning."

  • C15's role in reversing the effects of cellular fragility from the onset.

"It's a decrease in C15 globally... leading to similar health problems in dolphins and humans."

  • Global significance of C15 deficiency and its health implications.

Iron Deposition and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Metabolic Dysfunction

  • Iron deposition and increased ROS lead to lipid peroxidation, primarily affecting the liver.
  • The liver's impaired response to glucose due to damaged cells contributes to insulin resistance.
  • Iron deposition in the pancreas affects beta cells, reducing insulin production.
  • The combined liver and pancreatic dysfunctions set the stage for metabolic syndrome, characterized by high insulin resistance, high glucose levels, and increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

"When you have iron plus ROS and lipid peroxidation all happening first in the liver, the liver will stop producing the appropriate amount of or it won't react appropriately to glucose, so you start getting the onset of insulin resistance happening at the liver side."

  • Explanation: Iron and ROS together cause lipid peroxidation in the liver, leading to insulin resistance due to the liver's impaired glucose response.

"Once iron deposition and this whole process start happening in our pancreas, our beta cells stop producing insulin."

  • Explanation: Iron deposition in the pancreas impairs beta cells, reducing insulin production and contributing to metabolic syndrome.
  • Dolphins with a C-15 deficiency provided a model to study the impact of this deficiency on metabolic and cardiovascular health.
  • Laboratory models confirmed that C-15 can mitigate ferroptosis, a type of cell death linked to metabolic diseases.
  • Studies consistently show lower C-15 levels are associated with higher risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and fatty liver disease.
  • The deficiency accelerates the onset and severity of these diseases, particularly in younger populations.

"Dolphins were indicating C-15 deficiencies cause it. We were able to show in a model that C-15 fixes it."

  • Explanation: Dolphins showed that C-15 deficiency leads to health issues, and lab models confirmed that C-15 supplementation can correct these issues.

"Ferroptosis is known to increase our risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease. It speeds up the onset of these diseases and makes them more aggressive."

  • Explanation: Ferroptosis, exacerbated by C-15 deficiency, accelerates and worsens metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

Accelerated Aging in Younger Populations

  • Younger individuals are increasingly experiencing diseases traditionally seen in older adults, such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.
  • The trend is linked to accelerated aging, driven by factors like iron deposition, ROS, and C-15 deficiency.
  • Pediatricians observe that children are developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and mental health issues at younger ages.

"Younger people, 18 to 44 years old, are increasingly getting coronary heart disease. The increased risk of heart disease has been going way up."

  • Explanation: Heart disease is rising among younger adults, indicating accelerated aging.

"Children started getting type 2 diabetes, and they're more aggressive than the type 2 diabetes we're used to seeing."

  • Explanation: Type 2 diabetes is appearing in children and is more severe, suggesting faster disease progression.

The Role of Lifestyle and Environmental Factors

  • Poor lifestyle choices, such as unhealthy diets and lack of exercise, exacerbate the effects of iron deposition and ROS.
  • Environmental factors like exposure to processed foods and trans fats contribute to the problem but are not the sole cause.
  • Dolphins, despite not being exposed to these factors, still developed health issues due to C-15 deficiency, highlighting its critical role.

"Kids are more obese, and this is what happens with obesity... but the Dolphins aren't obese, aren't getting ultra-processed foods, and they're not eating a bunch of trans fatty acids."

  • Explanation: While obesity and processed foods contribute to health issues, C-15 deficiency alone can cause significant problems, as seen in dolphins.

Clinical Deficiency of C-15

  • C-15 deficiency is now recognized as a legitimate clinical deficiency, similar to vitamin deficiencies like scurvy (vitamin C) or rickets (vitamin D).
  • Defining a clinical deficiency requires proving that the nutrient is essential for baseline health and that its absence leads to disease, which can be corrected by restoring the nutrient.
  • The paper detailing this deficiency provides extensive evidence and references to support these claims.

"A nutritional deficiency requires that the nutrient is essential for baseline health and that its absence leads to disease, which can be fixed by restoring the nutrient."

  • Explanation: For a nutrient to be considered deficient, it must be essential for health, and its absence must lead to disease, correctable by supplementation.

Sardinia: A Case Study in Longevity

  • Sardinia, a Blue Zone, is known for its high number of centenarians, particularly men.
  • The diet in Sardinia includes unique components like specific cheeses, which may contribute to their longevity.
  • The region's dietary habits provide insights into the potential benefits of certain nutrients, including C-15.

"Sardinia is fascinating... it has the largest population of centenarians, specifically men."

  • Explanation: Sardinia's unique dietary and lifestyle factors contribute to its high longevity rates, offering valuable insights into healthy aging.

These notes provide a comprehensive overview of the key themes and topics discussed in the transcript, organized in a detailed and meticulous manner suitable for study and exam preparation.

Longevity and C15 Levels in Sardinia

  • Sardinia has a unique population of long-lived centenarian men.
  • The average person today has C15 levels of 0.2% of total fatty acids, which is a critical threshold.
  • In Sardinia, people aged 60-75 have C15 levels of 0.64%, more than three times higher.
  • Even at ages 80-100, Sardinians maintain C15 levels of 0.4%.
  • Sardinia’s higher C15 levels are linked to longevity and lower heart disease rates.

"The average person today has C15 levels in their cell membranes of 0.2% of total fatty acids, which is right at that breaking point."

  • This quote highlights the critical threshold of C15 levels in the average person.

"In Sardinia, they looked at 60 to 75-year-olds and they have C15 levels of 0.64%, more than three times higher."

  • This quote emphasizes the significantly higher C15 levels in Sardinian elderly compared to the global average.

Dietary Habits in Sardinia

  • Sardinians primarily consume locally produced food.
  • Meat is eaten only once a week or on special occasions.
  • Dairy, especially from goats and sheep, constitutes up to 25% of their caloric intake.
  • The type of dairy consumed is crucial, with goat and sheep milk being higher in C15 due to their diet of mountainous grass.

"They have primarily replaced meat with dairy, which can be up to 25% of the caloric intake."

  • This quote underscores the significant role of dairy in the Sardinian diet.

"The goats and the sheep are grazing on mountainous grass, which leads to higher C15 in their milk."

  • This quote explains the dietary source of high C15 levels in Sardinian dairy products.

Importance of Grass-Fed Animals

  • Grass-fed animals produce milk with higher C15 levels compared to grain-fed animals.
  • Higher altitude grass further increases C15 levels in milk.
  • Studies in the Alps confirm that Alpine grass leads to higher C15 in milk.

"Other studies have shown that not only does grass-fed animals produce milk with higher C15, but the higher the altitude of the grass, the higher the C15 in their milk."

  • This quote highlights the impact of diet and altitude on C15 levels in milk.

Types of Sardinian Cheeses

  • Sardinians consume Peino cheese (hard sheep cheese) and a soft goat cheese aged for 30 days.
  • Peino cheese has twice the C15 levels of cow's butter.
  • The aging process of the soft goat cheese makes the fatty acids more bioavailable.

"Peino cheese has C15 levels that are twice as much as even cow's butter."

  • This quote points out the high C15 content in Peino cheese.

"The soft goat cheese aged for 30 days has fatty acids that are more bioavailable."

  • This quote explains the enhanced bioavailability of fatty acids in aged goat cheese.

Health Benefits and Longevity

  • Higher C15 levels are associated with lower risk of heart disease.
  • Sardinian men live longer and have higher happiness scores due to social and lifestyle factors.
  • The overall lifestyle in Sardinia contributes to their longevity.

"People in Sardinia live longer because they're less likely to die of heart disease."

  • This quote connects high C15 levels with lower heart disease rates in Sardinia.

"The men have more dedicated social time, which contributes to higher happiness scores."

  • This quote highlights the social aspect of Sardinian life that contributes to longevity.

Challenges in Replicating Sardinian Diet

  • It is unrealistic to consume 25% of calories from dairy in other regions, especially the United States.
  • Most dairy in the U.S. comes from cows, which have lower C15 levels.
  • Pasteurization and agricultural practices in the U.S. may reduce C15 levels in milk.

"It's not realistic for us to get 25% of our calories from dairy."

  • This quote points out the impracticality of replicating the Sardinian diet in other regions.

"Most dairy in the U.S. comes from cows, which have lower C15 levels."

  • This quote highlights the difference in dairy sources between Sardinia and the U.S.

Historical and Agricultural Factors

  • Dietary recommendations in the 1970s led to reduced consumption of whole fat milk and butter.
  • Modern dairy fat contains high levels of pro-inflammatory saturated fats.
  • The competition between C15 and other fats during absorption affects C15 levels in the body.

"1977 is when Congress released recommendations saying all saturated fats are bad for you, specifically stop drinking whole fat milk and stop eating butter."

  • This quote provides historical context for changes in dietary fat consumption.

"The higher the fat we eat with C15 in it, the less likely our C15 levels will actually go down."

  • This quote explains the absorption dynamics of C15 and other fats.

Conclusion and Future Directions

  • It is challenging but not impossible to increase C15 levels globally.
  • Individual nutrients within dairy fat can have beneficial effects when isolated from the whole food matrix.
  • There is hope for improving C15 levels through dietary and agricultural adjustments.

"Can we get to Sardinian levels? Probably not because of all these other challenges."

  • This quote acknowledges the difficulties in replicating Sardinian C15 levels globally.

"Individual nutrients within dairy fat can have a beneficial effect but need to be taken out of the matrix."

  • This quote highlights the potential benefits of isolating specific nutrients from dairy fat.

Nutritional Deficiencies and Saturated Fats

  • Discusses the complexities of nutritional advice, particularly around saturated fats and their impact on health.
  • Highlights the risks of giving generalized dietary advice to populations without adequate nutritional education.
  • Emphasizes the importance of specific nutrients like C15 and their role in overall health.

"It's almost dangerous; it would almost be irresponsible to say, 'Hey United States as a whole, people that don't have nutrition education, you need to eat more cheese.'"

  • Generalized dietary advice can be harmful without proper nutritional education.

"You need to eat more cheese is the first thing they're going to probably do is go to... ask for more queso."

  • Illustrates how people might misinterpret nutritional advice without proper guidance.

Discovery and Importance of C15

  • C15 identified as an essential nutrient through research involving Navy Dolphins.
  • The need for a pure, bioavailable, and vegan-friendly form of C15 to address nutritional deficiencies.
  • The role of C15 in stabilizing cell membranes and its potential health benefits.

"There really is a true nutritional deficiency syndrome we need to fix."

  • Acknowledges the existence of a nutritional deficiency syndrome that needs addressing.

"This whole thing was born from saying, 'Hey, we see a problem. It started with Navy Dolphins.'"

  • Research on Navy Dolphins led to the discovery of C15's importance.

"We now know that the average person needs between 100 to 200 milligrams at least of pure, bioavailable C15 per day."

  • Specifies the daily requirement of C15 for the average person.

C15 Fortification in Foods

  • The potential for fortifying foods with C15 to address global nutritional deficiencies.
  • The need for dairy products to report C15 content for better consumer choices.
  • The impact of historical dietary guidelines on current nutritional deficiencies, especially in children.

"We went from all Americans should avoid eating whole fat drinking whole fat dairy and eating butter... to young children, infants, and toddlers should not get whole fat milk."

  • Highlights the shift in dietary guidelines and its impact on C15 intake.

"Today, it's less than 10% of children have been exposed to whole fat cow's milk."

  • Indicates a significant drop in whole fat milk consumption among children.

"Infant formulas have no C15 in them."

  • Points out the absence of C15 in infant formulas, contributing to deficiencies from birth.

Research and Evidence on C15

  • Studies showing the cognitive impact of C15 levels in children.
  • The importance of including C15 in infant formulas and fortifying foods to address deficiencies.
  • The role of C15 in developmental health and overall well-being.

"Moms who had less C15 in their red blood cell membrane during pregnancy and in their milk resulted in kids, if they had lower C15, the kids don't perform as well as 2-year-olds, 3-year-olds, and 5- and 6-year-olds cognitively."

  • Research findings linking low C15 levels in mothers to cognitive performance in children.

"We should be putting C15, fortifying C15 in infant formulas because it's becoming clear and clear this is an essential nutrient we need."

  • Advocates for the inclusion of C15 in infant formulas to address deficiencies.

Practical Implementation and Testing

  • The development of a stable, pure form of C15 suitable for food fortification.
  • The availability of tests to measure C15 levels in individuals.
  • The importance of making C15 accessible globally to address widespread deficiencies.

"C15 is a stable powder at room temperature, so it doesn't go bad, making it prime for fortifying foods."

  • Describes the stability of C15 and its suitability for food fortification.

"We've partnered with Gova Diagnostics to have an at-home spot test for C15 so that people can get their C15 levels measured."

  • Announces the availability of at-home tests for measuring C15 levels.

Advocacy and Public Awareness

  • The need to raise awareness about the importance of C15 and its health benefits.
  • Encouraging public engagement with scientific studies to drive attention and action.
  • The role of media and influencers in spreading knowledge about nutritional science.

"Get eyeballs on the study because this is one of those things where it's like people say, 'Why isn't this front-page news?'"

  • Emphasizes the need for public awareness and engagement with scientific research.

"Our whole purpose is really to help improve global health."

  • States the mission of the research team to enhance global health through their findings.

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