Mastering Starfield Legendary Equipment Hunting in 2024

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Summary Notes


Chris, the host of "Games with Grandpa," explores the value of legendary items purchased using 75 Astra in a gaming session. He evaluates each item based on personal rankings and categories, determining their worthiness for retention or sale. Despite acquiring 25 legendary items, Chris finds only a few worth keeping, notably a pistol and a suit with favorable attributes. He questions the timing of his spending, given the upcoming "Shattered Space" expansion, which may render current items obsolete. Chris concludes by encouraging viewers to return for more content and anticipates the new expansion's offerings.

Summary Notes

Introduction to Legendary Item Review

  • The podcast episode focuses on evaluating 75 Astra spent on legendary items in a game.
  • The host, Chris, aims to determine the worthiness of these items based on personal rankings.
  • The evaluation will cover weapons, suits, and other items, with a focus on potential upgrades.

"Today we're going to spend 75 Astra that I've saved up on legendary items so we will get 25 legendary items and we're going to go over them to see if any of them are worthy of the astras that I've spent."

  • Chris plans to review the items to assess if they justify the resources spent.

Methodology for Evaluation

  • Chris uses a personal ranking system to evaluate the stats of weapons and other items.
  • The evaluation involves testing, watching videos, and personal gameplay experience.
  • Items are categorized into "good," "okay," and "bad" based on their performance and utility.

"I have my own personal rankings on each of the individual stats on the weapons and we'll go over those together and we'll see if they're worthy."

  • The host's ranking system is crucial for determining the value of each item.

First Batch of Items

Shattering Advanced Bridger

  • This heavy gun includes disassembler, poison, and shattering attributes.
  • Disassembler is categorized as rare but considered "bad" due to limited applicability against robots.
  • Poison is in the "okay" category, while shattering is also "okay."

"The first one we got here is a shattering Advanced Bridger... Disassembler is in the bad category... poison that's in the okay category."

  • The weapon's attributes are not favorable enough to retain.

Space Suit Evaluation

  • The suit features incendiary, acrobat, and anti-ballistic attributes.
  • Anti-ballistic is "okay," acrobat is "good," but incendiary is "bad."

"This is actually a space suit... Anti-ballistic is in the okay category... acrobat is actually in the good category... incendiary unfortunately is in the bad category."

  • Mixed ratings lead to the decision not to keep the suit.

Sentinel Armor

  • Attributes include Sentinel, antiseptic, and technician.
  • Sentinel is "good," but both antiseptic and technician are "bad."

"Sentinel 75% chance to reduce damage by 50% when standing still... technician is unfortunately in the bad category... Sentinel is actually in the good category."

  • Despite one "good" attribute, the overall rating leads to rejection.

Assisted Carry Pack

  • Features assisted carry, fasten, and O2 filter attributes.
  • Assisted carry and O2 filter are "bad," while fasten is "okay."

"We've got the assisted carry refined explosive balanced pack... assisted carry bad... fasten is probably in the okay category... O2 filter probably not a good thing."

  • The combination of mostly "bad" attributes results in non-retention.

Mirrored Calibrated Star RoR Helmet

  • Attributes include mirrored, lead lined, and sturdy.
  • Mirrored and lead lined are "bad," while sturdy is "okay."

"Mirrored calibrated star RoR space helmet... mirrored bad... lead lines is also bad... sturdy is in the okay category."

  • The helmet is not kept due to poor attribute ratings.

Conclusion of First Batch

  • None of the first five items are deemed worth keeping based on the evaluation.
  • The host plans to sell these items and continue with further reviews.

"Our first batch of five we're not going to keep... I'm going to sell all these because I don't need them."

  • The decision to sell indicates the importance of maintaining a high standard for item retention.

Weapon Evaluation and Ranking

  • The speaker evaluates various weapons and items based on their categories: good, okay, and bad.
  • Explosive refined Rattler is categorized as bad due to its explosive nature.
  • Lacerate is considered good because it applies a bleed effect, which is beneficial as a damage-over-time (DOT) effect.
  • Extended magazine is perceived as potentially good, pending further evaluation.

"Explosive refined Rattler explosive bad unfortunately next lacerate is actually good randomly applies a bleed effect bleeds are good they're dots."

  • The speaker categorizes weapons into good, okay, and bad, with a focus on utility and effect.

Weapon and Item Rarity

  • Items are evaluated based on rarity categories, such as legendary, epic, and rare.
  • Skip shot suppressed Advanced lawgiver and Berserker are notable for their good and okay ratings.
  • The speaker notes the importance of rapid firing and increased attack speed.

"Skip shot suppressed Advanced lawgiver the legendary rifle Berserker in the rare category is actually good."

  • The speaker emphasizes the significance of rarity in determining the value and effectiveness of weapons.

Suit Evaluation

  • The speaker evaluates suits based on their attributes and compares them to their current equipment.
  • Bold suits are specifically mentioned, with a focus on color and rankings.
  • The speaker notes the unusual occurrence of two suits having identical attributes.

"Hey look we got a mirrored bold so I did a whole video on how to get the colored suits and we got another one so let's just see if this is better than my current suit."

  • The speaker is interested in the aesthetic and functional aspects of suits, particularly when they match existing gear.

Melee Weapons and Attributes

  • Melee weapons like anti-personnel and incendiary are evaluated for their effectiveness.
  • Incendiary is rated as good due to its ability to deal random incendiary damage.
  • Titanium build is considered okay, indicating moderate utility.

"We've got anti-personnel anti-personnel actually is an okay category based on my rankings next up we have incendiary randomly deals incendiary damage under epic incendiary is actually good."

  • The speaker assesses melee weapons based on their damage type and effectiveness in combat scenarios.

Space Suit Attributes

  • Various space suits are evaluated for their attributes, such as Beast Hunter, galvanized, and repulsing.
  • Beast Hunter is categorized as okay, while galvanized is considered bad.
  • Repulsing is rated as good due to its ability to disarm nearby attackers.

"This one has Beast Hunter Beast Hunter is in the okay category galvanized galvanized on my list is in the bad category Boo and repulsing 5% chance to disarm nearby attackers repulsing is in the good category."

  • The speaker focuses on the defensive and offensive capabilities of space suits in different environments.

Helmet Evaluation

  • The speaker evaluates helmets, specifically the Superior Explorer space helmet, for quality and protection.
  • Superior is noted as the top level for helmets, compared to advanced levels for weapons.
  • The speaker expresses uncertainty about the exact ranking of helmet levels.

"Next one is this Head Hunter Superior Explorer space helmet I think Superior is the top level for the helmets correct me if I'm wrong."

  • The speaker highlights the importance of helmet rankings in determining overall protection and value.

Evaluation of Armor and Equipment

  • The discussion revolves around assessing various armor and equipment items based on their attributes and their categorization into good, okay, or bad categories.
  • Items like helmets and packs are evaluated for their damage resistance capabilities and compatibility with existing suits.
  • The evaluation criteria include specific attributes like damage resistance, corrosive resistance, and other unique modifiers.

"Beast Hunter minus 15% damage from Alien enemies which there aren't a lot of unfortunately galvanized 25 corrosive resistance and head hunter Beast Hunter we show as an okay galvanized is bad boo head Hunter is actually in the good category."

  • The Beast Hunter attribute is considered okay due to the limited presence of alien enemies; Galvanized is rated as bad, while Head Hunter is seen as good.

"Mirrored Advanced navigation space helmet okay anti-ballistic is okay in the okay category liquid cooled know that we've seen liquid cooled that one is in the bad category and Mir yeah the bad."

  • The mirrored advanced navigation space helmet is evaluated with anti-ballistic as okay, while liquid cooled is rated as bad.

Weapon Attributes and Ratings

  • Weapons are assessed based on their attributes such as Berserker, Radioactive, and Shattering, with each attribute being categorized as good, okay, or bad.
  • The evaluation includes the potential damage output and additional effects like demoralizing enemies.

"The shattering experimental Tonto this has Berserker on it radioactive Berserker does more damage the less armor one has radioactive randomly deals radioactive damage and demoralizes the enemy."

  • Berserker is rated as good, enhancing damage as armor decreases; Radioactive is okay, providing random damage and demoralizing effects.

"We got a pistol here the L m al professionals Advanced regulator this one has anti-personnel which is an okay it does 10% damage against humans we fight mostly humans so that's good."

  • The pistol's anti-personnel attribute is okay, offering 10% increased damage against humans, which is beneficial given the frequency of human adversaries.

Evaluation of Packs and Outfits

  • Packs and outfits are evaluated based on attributes like sturdy, acrobat, and armor plated, with a focus on damage reduction and resistance.
  • The differentiation between types of packs, such as basic and power, is noted.

"The vibrant pack this is the yellow outfit that uh I have another video for that if you want to see this is where you you get the equipment it's all yellow I thought these were all the same sturdy acrobat and armor plated."

  • The vibrant pack includes attributes like sturdy (okay), acrobat (good), and armor plated (good), offering varied damage reduction benefits.

"Another vibrant pack and you see it's got the same okay so the difference between those two is the type of pack this one's basic and this one is power so they're basically the same."

  • The differentiation between basic and power packs is noted, with similar attributes across both types.

Advanced Equipment and Resistance

  • Advanced equipment like the mirrored Advanced deep Seeker pack is evaluated based on its resistance attributes, such as bolstering and antiseptic.
  • The focus is on energy and physical resistance, as well as airborne resistance.

"The mirrored Advanced deep Seeker pack this one has bolstering GRS up to plus 100 energy resistance and physical resistance the lower your health this is a good one."

  • Bolstering offers significant resistance increases as health decreases, categorized as good.

"Antiseptic is plus 25 Airborne resistance I don't think that's in the good list let let take a look here under is in the bad list unfortunately."

  • Antiseptic provides airborne resistance but is categorized as bad.

Evaluation of Space Suit and Weapon Add-ons

  • The discussion revolves around evaluating the quality of various space suits and weapons based on their add-ons.
  • Add-ons are categorized as good, okay, or bad, influencing the overall evaluation of the items.
  • The narrator is attempting to identify valuable items from a selection of 25, using a personal rating system for the add-ons.

"Mirrored is in the bad list, so they are different in their add-ons, but this one is worse."

  • The mirrored add-on is consistently rated as bad, impacting the overall evaluation of items negatively.

"Sturdy is an okay rating, auto mechanic is good, and incendiary unfortunately is bad."

  • Different add-ons have varying ratings that contribute to the overall quality of the space suit.

"Ablative is bad, weapon holster is good, and the last one, Sentinel, we know is good."

  • The combination of add-ons can range from bad to good, affecting the desirability of the item.

Notable Findings and Outcomes

  • The narrator successfully identifies a few valuable items, including one with a "good good good" rating.
  • The exercise aims to determine the randomness of acquiring valuable items and the potential for upgrades.

"We have found a good good good, that's amazing. I am saving that one."

  • A significant finding is the identification of an item with all good ratings, making it a valuable acquisition.

"The additions with the 15% less damage from humans, fall damage is reduced, and then the Sentinel is cool."

  • Specific add-ons offer tangible benefits, such as reduced damage from human enemies and fall damage.

Observations on Add-on Consistency

  • The narrator observes that new suits consistently come with the same add-ons, suggesting a lack of variability.
  • This consistency implies that checking for different add-ons on similar suits may be unnecessary.

"It appears that the new suits that were added always come with the same ads."

  • The lack of variability in add-ons for new suits means that duplicates are likely to have identical ratings.

"Everyone we've gotten as a duplicate matches."

  • The observation that duplicates match in add-ons suggests a predictable pattern in item generation.

Reflection on Resource Usage

  • The narrator reflects on the potential waste of resources (Astra) given the upcoming release of new content.
  • There is uncertainty about whether the resources spent will be worthwhile in the context of future updates.

"Should I have done this? We are less than 2 weeks away from shattered space."

  • There is a concern that resources used may not yield long-term benefits with impending updates.

"Hopefully I didn't just waste the Astra, you know, first week of shattered space."

  • The narrator hopes that the resources used will not be regretted with the introduction of new content.

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