7 Disciplines I'm Trying To Master Ep 557



In a comprehensive discussion on personal and entrepreneurial growth, the host outlines seven key areas of education necessary for a fulfilling life: foundational (reading, writing, math), physical (health and energy management), professional (career skills), emotional (self-awareness), relational (communication and influence), financial (personal finance and investment), and philosophical (life values and beliefs). He emphasizes the importance of language in shaping reality, advocating for a growth mindset over limiting self-talk. The host's extensive experience in building successful companies informs his insight into these disciplines, which are seldom taught formally but are crucial for overall success and well-being. He encourages listeners to continuously learn and improve in these areas, ultimately finding meaning and balance in life.

Summary Notes

Awareness of Self-Talk

  • Self-talk can reveal limiting beliefs.
  • The phrases people use, such as "I am," "I do," "I have," "I must," "I should," etc., can indicate personal constraints.
  • The things individuals say and affirm about themselves can shape their reality.

"The more you can become aware of how people say, I am, I do, I have right, I must, I should, et cetera. People tell you their own limiting beliefs, and the things that you say and the things that you speak over yourself become your reality."

This quote emphasizes the importance of recognizing and understanding the power of one's own words and affirmations, as they can manifest into reality and reflect underlying beliefs that may limit personal growth.

Entrepreneurial Journey and Financial Education

  • The speaker has built multiple successful companies.
  • Financial education is crucial, but the speaker acknowledges deficiencies in other areas.
  • Entrepreneurship is often pursued to fill a perceived void.
  • The speaker has identified seven disciplines essential for entrepreneurs.

"What you don't know can kill you and ultimately will, because at the end of the day, all of us are going to die. And after having built two multi eight figure companies, another eight figure company, another eight figure company, and then now we have a portfolio of companies that do just about a million a week. I've learned some things about financial education and things like that, and I realized I was wildly deficient in other areas."

The speaker reflects on the inevitability of death and the importance of knowledge, highlighting their own experience in building successful companies and the realization that financial acumen is not the only area requiring attention and development.

The Search for Meaning and the Seven Disciplines

  • The speaker has bucketed life's disciplines into seven categories.
  • These disciplines help fill the "hole in the soul" that drives business pursuits.
  • Understanding these disciplines reveals where one may lack knowledge.
  • The speaker finds personal meaning in learning and teaching.
  • The seven disciplines are foundational education, physical, and five others not mentioned in the transcript.

"And so in this search for meaning and figuring out what I want to do when I grow up, I've kind of bucketed the different disciplines that I think all of us have to learn as entrepreneurs to fill the hole that we have in our souls."

This quote discusses the speaker's introspective journey to find meaning in life and how they categorized essential disciplines to achieve a sense of fulfillment, particularly in the context of entrepreneurship.

Foundational Education

  • Foundational education includes reading, writing, and math.
  • These basic skills are typically taught in school.
  • They are considered essential for learning other disciplines.

"So the first is foundational education. All right? Now, the good thing is the system is pretty decent at teaching this one. All right, so this is like reading, writing, and math. That's how I see. It's like, if you can read, write, and do math, you'll learn that from school."

The speaker identifies foundational education as the first of the seven disciplines, noting its adequacy in the current educational system and its importance as the basis for learning further skills and knowledge.

Physical Discipline

  • Understanding physical needs is necessary for living in the physical world.
  • Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, and sleep is part of energy management.
  • It is important not to be overly rigid with routines, as they can become limiting.

"And so the next thing is physical, all right? And the thing is, if you're living in this world, you live in the physical plane. And so you have to understand what you need to eat and how do you need to move in order to increase your energy, longevity, et cetera."

The speaker introduces the physical discipline as the second of the seven disciplines, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's physical needs to improve energy and longevity.

Physical Health as a Foundation for Other Disciplines

  • Understanding and maintaining physical health is crucial as it underpins all other life aspects.
  • Physical health becomes the sole priority when it is compromised.
  • There's a recognized importance of physical well-being to overall life quality and success.

"Everybody can have every wish in the world, except for when you're sick, you only have one, which is to not be sick, right?"

This quote emphasizes the idea that health is the most fundamental desire when it is absent, overshadowing all other wants or needs.

Second Level of Education: Professional Development

  • Professional education is tailored to career paths and often begins in earnest after formal schooling.
  • The speaker suggests that real-world experience is where significant professional learning occurs.
  • Reflection on personal professional education can identify areas of deficiency.

"Now, most accountants would say, yeah, once I graduated with my Mac or my master's in accounting, that's when really my real education began, right?"

The quote highlights the common perception that true professional learning and development often start after completing formal education.

Third Level of Education: Emotional Growth

  • Emotional education involves understanding personal feelings and thoughts.
  • Recognizing and accepting personal deficiencies is crucial for growth, especially for entrepreneurs.
  • This type of education is not formally taught and must be pursued independently.

"And if you can't think to yourself what your deficiencies are and name them and be okay with yourself while still having them, I think that you get stuck there because you just don't know how to fix yourself, right?"

The speaker points out the importance of self-awareness and the ability to acknowledge and accept one's own shortcomings as a part of personal growth.

Fourth Level of Education: Relational Skills

  • Mastering personal relational skills is key to influencing and building relationships with others.
  • Relational skills are essential for forming groups, companies, and communities.
  • These skills are not formally taught but are learned through experience and self-education.

"This is how to communicate, influence, and deal with others. And this is wildly important because first you have to master yourself, right?"

This quote underscores the importance of self-mastery before effectively engaging with and influencing others.

Importance of Character Traits Over Tricks

  • Genuine character traits are more important than superficial tactics in building trust and likability.
  • Transformational learning often comes from understanding how to authentically interact with others.

"It's so much more about the character traits, which is the ugly answer, but it's also probably the truth."

The quote suggests that developing solid character traits is a difficult but truthful path to effectively relating to and influencing others.

Self-Evaluation and Continuous Learning

  • Individuals should evaluate how much time they invest in learning about their emotions and relating to others.
  • Continuous learning in these areas is implied to be necessary for personal and professional success.

"How much time am I spending learning this discipline for my own emotions? How much time am I spending learning this discipline in learning how to relate to others?"

The speaker encourages self-assessment regarding the time and effort devoted to emotional and relational education, which are often overlooked.

Importance of Podcast Reviews

  • Podcast reviews contribute to the success and reach of the podcast.
  • Reviews can impact the experiences of others by guiding them to the podcast.

"If you can rate and review and share this podcast." "It'll take you 10 seconds or one type of the thumb." "It would mean the absolute world to me. And more importantly, it may change the world for someone else."

These quotes emphasize the speaker's request for listeners to leave a review, highlighting the simplicity of the action and its potential significant impact on both the podcast and its audience.

Financial Literacy and Wealth as a Ratio

  • Personal finance begins with spending less than what one earns.
  • Wealth is defined as a ratio of earnings to expenses, not just an absolute number.
  • Increasing wealth can be achieved by reducing expenses.
  • The next level of financial literacy involves learning how to multiply money and have it work for you.

"Financial literacy. And I would say this first in the beginning is personal finance, which is basically learning how to spend less than you make and then ideally, significantly less than you make if you listen to any of my stuff, because wealth is a ratio." "The second iteration of financial, which is then how to multiply."

These quotes discuss the foundational concept of personal finance and the importance of managing expenses relative to income. The speaker also introduces the concept of growing wealth by multiplying one's financial resources.

The Intersection of Personal Development and Professional Skills

  • Managing emotions, relationships, and finances are crucial for business success.
  • Professional skills provide value to the marketplace.
  • Formal education often falls short in teaching these skills, especially for entrepreneurs.
  • Entrepreneurship is best learned through practical experience rather than traditional schooling.

"A lot of these things combine together, right? Like, if you want to have a business, you need to know how to manage your own emotions, you need to know how to relate to others, you need to know how to manage finances, you need to have some skills that you have professionally to provide value to the marketplace in." "The real school for entrepreneurship is just getting into the game and starting to play."

The speaker highlights the interconnectedness of personal and professional development and the limitations of formal education in preparing individuals for entrepreneurship. Practical experience is stressed as the key to learning entrepreneurial skills.

Self-Awareness and Limiting Beliefs

  • It's important to recognize and address one's own limiting beliefs.
  • The language one uses about oneself can shape reality.
  • Identifying areas of weakness or deficiency as opportunities for growth is essential.
  • Correcting one's language can lead to personal and professional improvement.

"People will say, I'm not good with money, right? I don't even like saying it because you speak this belief into yourself, and that becomes your reality." "The first thing you have to do is start correcting your language so that, you know, it's like, I have a weakness here. I have a deficiency in terms of my learning, right. Because then it becomes an opportunity that you can fix, rather than I am this way, it is certain I speak this way and therefore will never grow."

These quotes discuss how self-perception and language can create self-imposed barriers. The speaker urges listeners to reframe their weaknesses as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than as permanent traits.

Lifelong Learning and Personal Growth

  • The speaker finds inspiration in the pursuit of lifelong learning across various disciplines.
  • They express a desire to learn extensively, which adds meaning and interest to their life.
  • The speaker encourages the idea of continuous personal growth and development.

"You have your whole life to learn them, which is what I think is inspiring."

This quote emphasizes the speaker's belief in the endless opportunities for learning throughout one's lifetime, which they find inspiring.

Philosophical Values and Fulfillment

  • Philosophical values are considered eternal truths that one chooses to live by.
  • The speaker has found these values incredibly useful in their life.
  • Philosophical values are regarded as the most important aspect of one's life, contributing significantly to personal well-being and enjoyment of life.
  • Fundamental shifts in philosophy have led to the most change in the speaker's subjective well-being.

"And so for me, this has been incredibly, incredibly useful."

The speaker testifies to the profound impact that philosophical values have had on their life, suggesting their importance for personal fulfillment.

Financial Abundance and Life Questions

  • The speaker reflects on how life changes when one has financial abundance.
  • With significant wealth, one begins to ask different and more profound questions about life.
  • The speaker hints at the realization that fulfillment doesn't come from wealth alone.

"When you have enough money to spend millions of dollars a year, every single year for the rest of your life just on the money that you have, assuming it doesn't even grow. You ask different and weirder questions, life gets weird."

This quote indicates that having substantial financial resources leads to a different set of questions and experiences in life, which can be strange or unexpected.

Balancing Life's Aspects for Fulfillment

  • The speaker believes that fulfillment comes from balancing different aspects of life rather than focusing on just one.
  • They emphasize the importance of philosophical understanding in feeling better about life.
  • Improvements in financial, relational, emotional, professional, and physical aspects are not fulfilling if one doesn't understand the purpose behind them.

"But it's really feeling how you can balance all these things."

The quote suggests that achieving a balance across various life domains is crucial for personal fulfillment.

Self-Acceptance and Growth Mindset

  • The speaker promotes a growth mindset, accepting current limitations while recognizing the potential for improvement.
  • They use personal affirmations to overcome a defeatist attitude and view deficiencies as growth opportunities.
  • The speaker observes that language patterns can indicate an individual's potential for growth.

"I'm not good at this yet, and that's okay."

This quote exemplifies the speaker's approach to self-acceptance and the belief in the ability to improve over time.

Importance of Foundational Education

  • Foundational education in reading and writing is essential as it serves as the gateway to learning other skills.
  • The speaker advises prioritizing foundational education before moving on to other areas of learning.

"And hopefully, you have the foundational education of learning, of reading and writing, which if you don't, you should do that first, because it's the gateway to learning all these other things."

This quote highlights the importance of basic literacy as the foundation for all other learning and personal development.

Contribution and Sharing Knowledge

  • The speaker is actively engaged in sharing knowledge through various channels, including writing books.
  • They aim to help other entrepreneurs and people make positive contributions using their potential.
  • The speaker plans to release books for free, indicating a commitment to accessible education and support for others.

"And I'm writing books right now that I'll be releasing for free for everyone, just to help other entrepreneurs and people make positive contribution with the potential that we all have inside of us."

The speaker expresses their intent to provide free resources to assist others in making a positive impact in the world, showcasing their commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering growth in others.

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