In "Plagued by Fire: The Dreams and Furies of Frank Lloyd Wright," Paul Hendrickson delves into the tumultuous life of America's architectural titan, Frank Lloyd Wright. Born just after the Civil War and passing away in the Space Age, Wright's 91-year journey was marked by both monumental success and profound tragedy. Despite revolutionizing American architecture, Wright faced personal catastrophe when a servant murdered seven people at his home, including his beloved partner, Mamah Borthwick. Wright's own scandalous affair with Borthwick had already made headlines, as both had abandoned their spouses and children, causing national uproar. Yet, it was Wright's unyielding will, his spiritual connection to his work, and his relentless self-belief that propelled him through hardships and allowed him to rise from the ashes of his own life's ruins. Wright's late-career resurgence, producing a third of his life's work in his final decade, exemplifies his unquenchable drive and the indomitable spirit that shaped his legacy.
"You. Frank Lloyd Wright was born two years after the end of the civil war and died two years after the launch of Sputnik. 91 years and ten months on this earth. In the approximate middle of that near century span, when he was 47, the greatest architect America had yet produced suffered a personal catastrophe that would have destroyed a man of lesser will and lesser ego."
This quote introduces Wright's lifespan, highlighting a significant personal tragedy that occurred during his life, which reflects his resilience and strong ego.
"Five years before, in the fall of 1909, having already revolutionized american architecture and produced what other artists might have considered a lifetime's worth of work, Wright had abandoned his practice and gone off to Europe with Maima Borthwick."
This quote provides context to Wright's decision to abandon his successful career and family for Maima, which led to a scandal that affected his personal and professional life.
"One of Wright's lifelong dictums was that his buildings were like plants and trees that grow from inside out and come up from the earth, craving the light."
This quote encapsulates Wright's architectural philosophy, showing his organic approach to design, which is central to understanding his work and its relationship with the environment.
"This book isn't intended as a Frank Lloyd Wright biography, not in any conventional sense. Rather, this book is meant to be a kind of schenectady with selected pockets in a life standing for the oceanic whole of that life."
The quote explains the book's unconventional approach to Wright's biography, focusing on specific moments to represent his entire life, rather than a traditional, chronological account.
"The way I would describe him is like a cross between a PT Barnum level of showmanship with the obsessiveness of his craft, like an Enzo Ferrari, and the arrogance, vanity, self belief of like a Kanye west."
This quote describes Wright's complex personality, drawing parallels with other famous figures known for their strong egos and significant contributions to their fields.
"His last 15 years of life, from the time he turns, let's say, 77 to 92, let's say the time he was 80 years old, from 80 to 89, was the most productive decade of his life."
This quote highlights the extraordinary productivity of Wright's later years, emphasizing his enduring passion for architecture and his ability to produce significant work well into old age.
"He believed his clients were privileged to be able to work with him. That reminds me, the reason I brought up the Pt Barnum Enzo Ferrari Kanye combination, because Kanye famously said that his greatest regret in life was never being able to see himself perform live. That's something I could see Frank Lloyd Wright saying."
This quote illustrates Wright's self-perception and the high regard he had for his own work, which was integral to his approach to architecture and his interactions with clients and the public.
"One of his most famous designs is the Johnson wax building." "That was built in the 1930s."
The quote highlights the Johnson Wax Building as one of Frank Lloyd Wright's notable works and emphasizes its construction era, which is significant due to the design's modernity for that period.
"At the beginning, frank was working for me. Then his costs kept rising. We were working together, and then finally his costs kept going. I eventually was working for him."
This quote illustrates the evolving relationship between Wright and his clients as project costs increased, highlighting Wright's disregard for budget constraints.
"Everything in life is malleable, including the truth." "He possessed a lot of what we would consider opposite traits simultaneously."
These quotes describe Wright's philosophy on truth and his multifaceted personality, which combined traits that are often seen as mutually exclusive.
"All he really had when he started off, he leaves Wisconsin to go to Chicago to build his architectural career, was a complete faith in himself."
The quote emphasizes Wright's self-confidence as a driving force behind his pursuit of an architectural career in Chicago, a hub for building and design at the time.
"Fatherhood, question mark. If so, I seemed born without it, and yet a building was a child."
This quote from Wright himself reveals his detachment from his biological children and his deeper connection to his architectural creations, which he considered his true offspring.
"Frank Lloyd Wright barely attended college at all."
The quote underscores Wright's limited formal education, highlighting his success as a largely self-taught individual.
"He liked letting himself into his houses to begin rearranging the furniture while the owners were out."
This quote illustrates Wright's extreme level of control and his inability to relinquish ownership of his designs, even after they were sold.
"The interiors of Frank Lloyd Wright houses are about many things, but at the center of each one is the intertwined idea of openness and flow."
The quote captures Wright's core architectural principle of creating open, flowing spaces, which he believed were essential for a free and democratic lifestyle.
"So long as we had the luxuries, the necessities could pretty well take care of themselves."
This quote reflects Wright's dismissive attitude toward financial responsibility, prioritizing luxury over practicality.
"Wright had gone to work for his beloved master, the great, gifted, prideful Riddlefield, and ultimately tragic Louis Sullivan."
The quote indicates the significant influence of Louis Sullivan on Wright's career and the respect Wright had for his mentor.
"You are the thing you do."
This succinct quote from Wright's friend encapsulates Wright's identity being inseparable from his work and contributions to architecture.
"Not everybody would pay the price. And concentrated hard work and human sacrifice that you'll make."
The quote emphasizes the unique commitment Wright had to his work, which involved personal sacrifices that many others may not be willing to make.
"I feel like Ed Thorpe. In his book, man for all markets, I think Ed Thorpe mastered life because he had the balance."
This quote highlights the speaker's admiration for Ed Thorpe's ability to achieve a harmonious balance in life, which is seen as a model to strive for.
"The sad truth is that we were friendly strangers, and almost any of his favorite clients could tell you more about him than I can."
Robert's reflection demonstrates the emotional distance between him and his father, highlighting the personal sacrifices Frank made for his career.
"No one owns ideas. So Frank is learning an idea from Sullivan that he takes and runs with."
The quote underlines the speaker's perspective that ideas are not owned by individuals but are shared and developed across generations, as exemplified by Wright's relationship with Sullivan.
"Wright turned him down. He would stake his chances on his own visions."
This quote captures Wright's decision to reject a secure path in favor of pursuing his own unique architectural vision, reflecting his commitment to his craft and individuality.
"I wanted to go away. Everything, personal or otherwise, bore heavily on me. What I wanted, I did not know."
This quote from Wright himself expresses his profound discontent and the existential questioning that led to his decision to change his life, despite the consequences.
"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
This quote, which Wright wanted read at his funeral, encapsulates his philosophy of valuing personal integrity and authenticity above all else.
"Frank Lloyd Wright is a strange, delightful soul, a radical, original thinker working out his ideas."
The quote describes Wright's unique character and his commitment to exploring and expressing his ideas through his work, which has left a lasting impact on the field of architecture.
"Much of its buildings to me, is too bizarre and away from tradition to be beautiful, but he has big ideas and is gloriously ruthless in sticking to what he believes."
This quote encapsulates the speaker's perception of Wright's architectural style as being distinct and nontraditional, yet underpinned by conviction and grand ideas.
"At times, shame filled and self justifying. This letter would fly in the face of anyone who wishes to think of Frank Lloyd Wright only as an egoist, incapable of self examination or incapable of looking back or regretful reflection."
The speaker highlights Wright's ability for introspection and reflection, challenging the notion that he was solely ego-driven.
"As an architectural theorist, Mr. Wright has no superior, but as an architect, he has little to contribute for comparison."
This quote reflects the harsh criticism Wright received, suggesting that his practical contributions as an architect were insufficient compared to his theoretical expertise.
"Frank Lloyd Wright got catastrophically involved with a bad morphine addict named Miriam Noel... Suffered Taliesin burning down again... Spent a couple nights in jail in downtown Minneapolis on charges of moral turpitude."
This quote outlines a series of personal and professional setbacks Wright faced, emphasizing the chaotic and challenging periods of his life.
"Why not start a work school for aspiring architects who would learn at the master's feet, all the while milking his cows and chopping his wood and painting his barns?"
This quote describes the concept behind the Taliesin Fellowship, highlighting Wright's creative solution to financial hardship through the integration of education and labor.
"Historians would one day say that if Frank Lloyd Wright had conceived nothing but these three buildings... it would have been enough to secure his lasting place."
This quote acknowledges the significance of Wright's later work and its impact on his enduring legacy in the field of architecture.
"It must nonetheless be acknowledged that she gave her son something in terms of a will and inner strength that seems unquantifiable, and the world reaped the benefit."
This quote reflects on the complex influence of Wright's mother on his character, suggesting that her support and belief contributed to his determination and architectural achievements.
"His decisive inner will, his inability to ever give up or to quit, his unbelievable faith in himself, his dedication to his craft."
This quote summarizes Wright's personal attributes that contributed to his resilience and success, highlighting his determination and self-belief.
"I'm at the end and I still feel... I don't really know who he was. I know traits and things that I want to copy and I want to emulate and things I don't want to copy or emulate, but he is very much a mystery even after being covered to such degree by so many different people."
This quote conveys the speaker's mixed feelings of admiration and bewilderment towards Wright, recognizing his unique and multifaceted character.